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Stay Focused on the Long Game Thumbnail

Stay Focused on the Long Game

In the game of baseball as with the stock market, there is never a guarantee for success. Following a favorite baseball team like the St. Louis Cardinals and choosing the right investment strategy can go hand-in-hand, and there are valuable lessons to be learned.

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Your Guide to Marriage and Money Thumbnail

Your Guide to Marriage and Money

Discussing marriage and money may not always be comfortable. However, a little discomfort today can help you experience the lifelong bliss every married couple desires.

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Refresh and Renew Your Portfolio This Spring Thumbnail

Refresh and Renew Your Portfolio This Spring

A regular investment portfolio review is important, as things change from year to year. For your investment portfolio review, Brockmeier Financial has all the tips and tricks to help you make the right decisions to meet your financial goals.

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Is a Recession This Year Unavoidable? Thumbnail

Is a Recession This Year Unavoidable?

The question on everyone’s mind, “Is recession this year unavoidable?” can thankfully be answered with a simple no in our opinion. That’s the short answer. Of course, the longer, more in-depth answer is a bit trickier.

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Markets Should Not Fight the Fed This Time Around Thumbnail

Markets Should Not Fight the Fed This Time Around

The markets and the Federal Reserve (Fed) each play a role in a healthy economy. They also feel they know best how to make a good economy a reality. These views differ, especially in dealing with interest rates and what they should look like. In this, their views seem almost opposite. Oh, who are we kidding, they are nearly polar opposites. Of course, it’s important to keep in mind that this economy is different from previous cycles. As a result, we believe it requires a different approach.

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Why This Time is Different? Thumbnail

Why This Time is Different?

Since earlier this year and even further back, many individuals have been asking a question about our current economic cycle, one with no easy answer: "Why is this time different?" To answer the question the most accurately, it is important to evaluate certain elements within this economic cycle that might differ from others.

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